
The Ottawa Valley Adjusters Association (OVAA) is the Ottawa Chapter of the Ontario Insurance Adjusters Association (OIAA) made up typically of between 200 – 300 “full members” (company examiners or independent insurance adjusters) and “associate/social members” (persons who are not adjusters but who are in fields related to insurance such as law firms, auto repair/rental facilities, building construction/repair companies, medical rehabilitation and assessment centres, engineers, accountants, investigators, hotels, specialty services, etc.) from the Ottawa Valley and other parts of Ontario and nearby Québec.

Areas covered by the OVAA membership include:

Alexandria, Brantford, Brockville, Cobden, Cornwall, Dunrobin, Gloucester, Kanata, Kemptville, Kingston, Markham, Mississauga, Nepean, Orleans, Osgoode, Ottawa, Pembroke, Perth, Pickering, Renfrew, South Mountain, Stittsville, Toronto , Waterloo, Whitby, Chapeau (QC) &Gatineau (QC)

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    Ottawa Valley Adjusters Assocation